It is important that you read these rules carefully to understand how we work and handle your requests. They are important not just to just for a good management but also for you to receive your desired products without any issues.

Rule 1

Find the product you want to buy, add it to the cart, then follow the steps to order the desired personalized item(s). It is important that you create an account and don't worry about your personal info, we respect your privacy and it won't be shared.

Rule 2

If you have any specifications or changes to the products, contact our customer service and our team will respond as soon as possible.

Rule 3

Products left in the cart are not considered valid; you must complete all steps to request the product.

Rule 4

Don't expect that the products left in the cart are going to stay there forever, the shopping cart has an expiration time to ensure that all clients can find and order their desired product(s).

Rule 5

You pay for the requested product in cash when you receive it.

Rule 6

Please not that our transporter can't wait for you more than 20 minutes, and it is important that you provide us with the correct Phone Number and the Delivery Address to make sure that you receive your order(s) without any delays or problems.

Rule 7

If you face a problem with the transporter contact us and we'll do our best to handle the issue.

Rule 8

We constantly check our clients and if we detect any suspicious behavior, we'll automatically ban you from using the website and we won't deal with you anymore.

Rule 9

You can contact the webmaster at any time if you have any problems with the site.